
Work Experience

06/2022 - Present

Aerolab is a digital product agency helping startups and big companies deliver meaningful experiences to users all over the world. I'm currently working as a Frontend Engineer, where i work in excited projects.

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Vercel, Docker, CSS in JS, Stripe

02/2021 - 05/2022

Diseño Group is a company that offers a marketing solutions. I worked as a Tech Lead, where i went responsible for the development of the company's web platform.

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Tailwind, Vercel

Technical Skills

Web Development

React (Next.js, Remix, Gatsby), Svelte, CSS in JS (Stitches, Emotion), Tailwind, Web Standards, Node.js

Database Administration

SQL, NoSQL (MongoDB, DynamoDB), GraphQL

Cloud Services

Stripe, Vercel, Persistent Storage (S3), CI (Gitlab, Github), CMS (Sanity, Contentful), REST, Serverless (Lambda, Cloudflare Workers)

Programming Languages

JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go

Mobile Development

React Native